Treasure hunts, costume contests, and water stage shows - this year's Carnevale in Venice has it all!
Carnival of Venice
Carnevale is almost here! This year Fat Tuesday February 28th, and Carnevale celebrations will take place all over Italy during the weeks prior. There’s no question that the most famous and extravagant place to spend Carnevale is in Venice.
When to go to Venice for Carnival
The carnival events and festivities will run from February 11th to February 28th, but the celebrations definitely build up as the weeks go on. The closer to "Martedì Grasso" (Fat Tuesday), the more crowds, events, and excitement there will be. The biggest events are on the weekends, especially the last weekend, from Friday February 24th until Fat Tuesday on the 28th.
Event Highlights
Here are our picks for the best Venice Carnevale events of 2017!
Nordic Walking
Carnival will kick off on Saturday February 11th at 8:30am with a treasure hunt around the city of Venice. There will be four teams with four different routes, and the teams will meet in Piazzetta San Marco at the end for the prize-giving ceremony
Information & Reservations (In Italian):
Grand Opening: Festa Veneziana On The Water
This exciting water stage show on the Canale di Cannaregio will open the 2017 edition of Venice Carnevale on Saturday February 11th. There will be two shows, one at 6pm and a repeat at 8pm.
On Sunday February 12th the Festa Veneziana continues with another water parade at Venetian food and wine starting at 11am
Festa delle Marie
The traditional "Festa delle Marie" starts at San Pietro di Castello at 2:30pm on Saturday February 18th. The 12 "Marias" will be introduced on stage in Piazza San Marco at 4pm. This is a great opportunity to admire traditional Venetian attire!
Volo dell’Angelo
The "Flight of the Angel" will take place on Sunday February 19th at 12 Noon, when the "angel," last year’s winner of the Festa delle Marie beauty pageant will ride a zipline from the Bell Tower in Piazza San Marco.
Best Costume Contest
In St Mark's’ Square there will be daily competitions for the best Carnevale "Maschera," or costume. Every day starting Friday February 18th prizes will be given for the best of the day, and a special Grand Finale contest will be held on Sunday February 26th at 2:30pm for the best costumes of the entire festival.
The "Svolo del Leone"
On Fat Tuesday, February 28th, the city will pay tribute to the symbol of Venice, the Lion of Saint Mark. A large flag painted with the "Leone di San Marco" will fly up to the bell tower. This will mark the end of the 2017 Venice Carnevale, and the beginning of the countdown to the next Venice Carnevale, which will take place January 27th to February 13th 2018!
For more information and the full event list visit the official Carnevale di Venezia website
Want to know more about the history and traditions of the Carnival of Venice? Read here.