
Important event at the archaeological site of Pompeii: the House of Golden Amorini reopens to the public today after an extensive restoration. The works bring back to its splendor this large house of 800 square meters made of more than 20 rooms.

The building takes its name from various glass discs depicted with a gold floating cupid that have been found on site, probably in the bedroom of the owner.

Other artifacts retrieved in the house included statues of Jupiter, Juno, Minerva, Mercury now at the Archaeological Museum in Naples. Two skeletons were found at the time of the original excavation in 1954, testifying that the house was inhabited at the time of the eruption in 79 AD.

As it is often the case with ancient Roman houses, the building has an inside garden with the main rooms opening towards it. The colonnaded garden is adorned by a pool and marble fountain.

The walls are frescoed with paintings of the third Pompeian style showing episodes of Greek mythology. They were damaged by the earthquake of 62 AD and restored by the owner as a testimony of his interest for the conservation of the artworks of the house.