Páscoa em Roma e no Vaticano


Easter is an important celebration all over Italy, but nowhere more so than in Rome and the Vatican City, home to the Pope himself. Here is a guide the events that take place every year during Holy Week in The Vatican City and Rome:


"Settimana Santa" - Holy Week:

Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, one week before Easter. The pope gives a special mass in St Peter’s Square, usually at 9:30am.

Holy Thursday:

Holy Thursday marks the beginning of the "Triduum," Latin for "three-day period." On the Thursday morning before Easter the Blessing of Holy Oils is held in St Peter’s Basilica, and in the evening the Triduum officially begins with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. Usually held in St Peter’s, during the service it is tradition for the Pope to wash the feet of 12 Priests to imitate Jesus at the last supper.

Good Friday & The Stations of the Cross:

On Good Friday a service is held at St Peter’s Basilica at 5pm, and in the evening at about 9pm the "Via Crucis" or "Stations of the Cross" is performed near the Colosseum. The custom of performing the 14 stations of the Cross at the Colosseum began in the 18th century to honor Christians martyred there. During the ritual a large cross is carried to each station Pope John Paul II even carried it himself until his physical health no longer permitted - where a devotion is read and the station of the cross is described in various languages.

Holy Saturday:

On Holy Saturday the Easter Vigil is held in St Peter’s Basilica.

To request tickets to the Easter Eve Mass you can to contact the Vatican many months in advance. Remember that Easter Mass is always absolutely free, and any website claiming to sell tickets is a scam! For more information about reserving tickets visit the Papal Audience website here: http://www.papalaudience.org/easter-christmas-tickets

Easter Sunday:

Mass begins at about 10:15 in St. Peter’s Square on Easter Sunday. at 12 noon the Pope gives the Easter message and blessing, called the "Urbi et Orbi," Latin for "To the City and the World," from the Balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica.

Although it is free to attend, the size and popularity of the Easter Sunday blessing makes it quite difficult to get into St. Peter’s Square. If you’re willing to brave the crowd for this potentially once-in-a-lifetime experience, plan to arrive very early and stand for a long time!

Of course afterwards don’t forget to break your Lent fast with a delicious lunch of Lamb followed by a Panettone-like easter bread called Colomba, and of course lots of Chocolate eggs!


In Italy the Monday after easter is also a holiday! Italians often celebrate by planning lunches with family and friends. At Castel St Angelo in Vatican City, fireworks over the Tiber River officially end the Easter celebrations.


April 2014 in Rome - A Marathon of Celebrations:

Easter in Rome is always a busy and exciting time, but for 2014 there are even more events to add to the schedule!  Pasquetta happens to fall on April 21st, which is also the anniversary of the Founding of Rome - Read more in our post about the celebrations in Rome for Natale di Roma!

On Sunday April 27th, the Sunday following Easter, there will be the Canonisation of two new saints: Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II. The Easter crowds are expected to be even larger and continue on past Easter because of the popularity of this added celebration.

Prepare of an exciting time if you have plan to be in Rome this April!