Carnival, or Carnevale, is just around the corner! For several weeks, Italy’s winter gloom is cleared away as celebrations, dancing and costume parades breathe exuberant life into Italian cities. This year Martedì Grasso falls on February 17, and marks the culmination of festivities. So, for those hankering for a good party, put on your mask and start tossing coriandoli – it’s time to start celebrating! The most famous and extravagant place to spend Carnival is where it all began: Venice.
This year’s Carnevale theme is "The most delicious festival in the world!" a dedication to taste, good food and wine. The decision was chosen to compliment the theme of Milan’s 2015 EXPO "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life." Throughout Venice, prepare to see lavish banquets, exotic food, or to taste the territory’s culinary and wine specialties. Museums and Collections are organizing special tours dedicated to the culinary world. Theatrical performances and re-enactments will examine the city’s intimate and historic relationship with food.
This year’s Carnevale events run from January 31 – February 17, 2015. However, keep in mind that the celebrations, crowds and atmosphere builds-up closer to Martedì Grasso. If you’re aiming for excitement, visit during the weekends, and in particular the last one, February 12-17.
Grand Opening Festivities
Carnevale opens with a bang on Saturday, January 31 as the food-inspired show "The Magic Banquet- A Gourmet’s Fairytale in Venice" illuminates the banks of Rio di Cannaregio. The show is a dreamlike concoction of water, air and land performances dedicated to the enchantments of flavor and taste. This never-before-seen performance is scheduled for 6 and 8 pm. The Festa Veneziana, Venetian Festival, continues on Sunday, February 1, with a carnival boat parade, food and wine tastings with emphasis on Venetian gastronomic specialties.
The Inauguration of the Gran Teatro (the Great Theater) in St. Mark’s Square.
Saturday February 7, marks the grand opening of the outdoor stage, the Gran Teatro in St. Mark’s Square. Following the theme of this year’s Carnevale, the theater will be decorated in garland and food regalia. Since the stage serves as the heart of Venice’s Carnevale, it plays a role in the traditional and theatrical performances. From the February 7- 17, peruse the side stages for tastings of "re-interpreted" traditional Venetian food.
Volo dell’Angelo, The Flight of the Angel
The traditional Volo dell’Angelo will take place at the Gran Teatro in St. Mark’s Square on February 8. The winner of last year’s "Festa delle Marie" beauty pageant will star as this year’s angel who will zip-line from the Campanile (Bell Tower) of St. Mark’s to the stage.
Flying Donkey & Flight of the Eagle
A constant stream of events flows throughout the day on February 15, at St, Mark’s Square. This is the finale for the Most Beautiful Mask of Carnevale Competition, the Flying Donkey from the Tower of Piazza Ferretto in Mestre event and the Flight of the Eagle from the Bell Tower.
Nightly Events at the Arsenale
Each night, when the sun goes down, the party moves from St. Mark’s Square to Venice’s historic shipyard, the Arsenale. During the weekend of February 7/8, and the last week from February 12 to the 17, the Arsenal will host a lineup of shows, re-enactments and music to keep Carnevale swinging throughout the night.
Parties and Masquerade Balls
While there is plenty to see in the streets and piazzas of Venice during Carnival, those keen on following the footsteps of Casanova may indulge in a lavish masked ball. Prepare to pop Prosecco and dance in candelabra-lit palaces while dressed in full costume. A ticket to one of these in-in-a-lifetime balls isn’t cheap. Starting at €500/person (without costume expense), the food, drink, music and location are the epitome of elegance. See the Official Venice of Carnival website for more information.
If you’re planning on visiting Venice during Carnival this year, download our free PDF schedule of events! Every performance, movie-screening and art exhibition is included to help you plan your fantastic Venice Carnival experience.